#include #include #include ESPMegaPRO espmega = ESPMegaPRO(); InternalDisplay display = InternalDisplay(&Serial); void input_change_callback(uint8_t pin, uint8_t value) { Serial.print("Input change callback: "); Serial.print(pin); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(value); } void setup() { espmega.begin(); espmega.enableIotModule(); ETH.begin(); espmega.iot.bindEthernetInterface(Ð); NetworkConfig config = { .ip = {192, 168, 0, 11}, .gateway = {192, 168, 0, 1}, .subnet = {255, 255, 255, 0}, .dns1 = {192, 168, 0, 1}, .dns2 = {192, 168, 0, 1}, .useStaticIp = true, .useWifi = false, .wifiUseAuth = false, }; strcpy(config.ssid, "ssid"); strcpy(config.password, "password"); strcpy(config.hostname, "espmega"); Serial.println("Setting network config"); espmega.iot.setNetworkConfig(config); Serial.println("Connecting to network"); espmega.iot.connectNetwork(); Serial.println("Begin MQTT Modules"); MqttConfig mqtt_config = { .mqtt_port = 1883, .mqtt_useauth = false }; Serial.println("Setting MQTT Server"); strcpy(mqtt_config.mqtt_server, ""); strcpy(mqtt_config.base_topic, "/espmegaoop"); Serial.println("Loading MQTT Config Struct to IoT Module"); espmega.iot.setMqttConfig(mqtt_config); Serial.println("Connecting to MQTT"); espmega.iot.connectToMqtt(); Serial.println("Registering cards"); espmega.iot.registerCard(0); espmega.iot.registerCard(1); Serial.println("Initialization Routine Complete"); ((DigitalInputIoT*)espmega.iot.getComponent(0)) -> registerChangeCallback(input_change_callback); } void loop() { espmega.loop(); }