from time import sleep from socket import gethostname, gethostbyname import kuukar.kuukar_nextion as kuukar_nextion import kuukar.kuukar_motion as kuukar_motion import kuukar.kuukar_sensors as kuukar_sensors class lcd: def __init__(self, motion: kuukar_motion.motion, sensors: kuukar_sensors.sensors) -> None: self.nextion = kuukar_nextion.nextion() sleep(1) self.nextion.send_command("page home") self.nextion.send_command("ipTXT.txt=\"" + str(gethostbyname(gethostname())) + "\"") self.nextion.external_touch_handler = self.touch_handler def play_video(self, filename: str) -> None: self.nextion.send_command("page video_player") self.nextion.send_command("video.path=\"sd0/" + filename + ".video\"") self.nextion.send_command("video.en=1") def pause_video(self) -> None: self.nextion.send_command("video.en=2") def resume_video(self) -> None: self.nextion.send_command("video.en=1") def stop_video(self) -> None: self.nextion.send_command("video.en=0") self.nextion.send_command("page home") def touch_handler(self, page, component_id, press_type): print(f'page:{page} cid:{component_id} pt:{press_type}') if page == 1 and component_id == 2 and press_type == '01': if self.nextion.get_attribute("aiTG.val"): print("AI Drive Activated") else: print("AI Drive Deactivated") elif page == 3: if component_id == 2 and press_type == '00': x = self.nextion.get_attribute("joystick.x") y = self.nextion.get_attribute("joystick.y") speed = 100 - (y - 60) / (205 - 60) * 200 turn = (x - 5) / (150 - 5) * 200 - 100 print(f"Setting speed to {speed} and turn angle to {turn}") def _sensor_screen_updator(self): pass