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2023-09-30 08:42:44 +00:00
\hypertarget{class_nex_gpio}{\section{Nex\+Gpio Class Reference}
\subsection*{Public Member Functions}
bool \hyperlink{class_nex_gpio_adbe08eb11827d75c6b2e9c935d9da19a}{pin\+\_\+mode} (uint32\+\_\+t port, uint32\+\_\+t mode, uint32\+\_\+t control\+\_\+id)
bool \hyperlink{class_nex_gpio_aaea4cb428fa0a2e26927073c20ed64ac}{digital\+\_\+write} (uint32\+\_\+t port, uint32\+\_\+t value)
uint32\+\_\+t \hyperlink{class_nex_gpio_a36386b97898f0960abda51c6010378eb}{digital\+\_\+read} (uint32\+\_\+t port)
bool \hyperlink{class_nex_gpio_af21eb91b041d149193bc716202d4a462}{analog\+\_\+write} (uint32\+\_\+t port, uint32\+\_\+t value)
bool \hyperlink{class_nex_gpio_a62c2cb633e321ef2273eb3a7af6a5b47}{set\+\_\+pwmfreq} (uint32\+\_\+t value)
uint32\+\_\+t \hyperlink{class_nex_gpio_a8fca87ac0cdfbc8a62dec807b949c36d}{get\+\_\+pwmfreq} (uint32\+\_\+t $\ast$number)
\subsection{Member Function Documentation}
\subsubsection[{analog\+\_\+write}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}bool Nex\+Gpio\+::analog\+\_\+write (
\item[{uint32\+\_\+t}]{port, }
writes an analog value (P\+W\+M wave) to a pin
{\em port} & -\/ the gpio port number \\
{\em value} & -\/ the duty cycle\+: between 0 (always off) and 100 (always on). \\
true if success, false for failure
\subsubsection[{digital\+\_\+read}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}uint32\+\_\+t Nex\+Gpio\+::digital\+\_\+read (
read a high or a L\+O\+W value to a digital pin
{\em port} & -\/ the gpio port number \\
the value from a specified digital pin, either high or low
\subsubsection[{digital\+\_\+write}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}bool Nex\+Gpio\+::digital\+\_\+write (
\item[{uint32\+\_\+t}]{port, }
write a high or a L\+O\+W value to a digital pin
{\em port} & -\/ the gpio port number \\
{\em mode} & -\/ the gpio port number \\
true if success, false for failure
\subsubsection[{get\+\_\+pwmfreq}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}uint32\+\_\+t Nex\+Gpio\+::get\+\_\+pwmfreq (
\item[{uint32\+\_\+t $\ast$}]{number}
read pwm output frequency
{\em number} & -\/ the frequency \\
true if success, false for failure
\subsubsection[{pin\+\_\+mode}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}bool Nex\+Gpio\+::pin\+\_\+mode (
\item[{uint32\+\_\+t}]{port, }
\item[{uint32\+\_\+t}]{mode, }
Set gpio mode
{\em port} & -\/ the gpio port number \\
{\em mode} & -\/ set gpio port mode(0--Pull on the input 1--the control input binding 2--Push-\/pull output 3--pwm output 4--open mode leakage) \\
{\em control\+\_\+id} & -\/ nextion controls id ,when the modeel is 1 to be valid \\
true if success, false for failure
\subsubsection[{set\+\_\+pwmfreq}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}bool Nex\+Gpio\+::set\+\_\+pwmfreq (
writes pwm output frequency
{\em value} & -\/ the frequency\+: between 1 and 65535 \\
true if success, false for failure
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files\+:\begin{DoxyCompactItemize}